Integrated In-Memory Cache
Integrated in-memory cache performs sub-millisecond lookups out of the box.
RESTful API in Seconds
A simple GraphQL-style schema definition creates a REST API that is simple, atomic, and fast. Plus, since every application already uses them, there is no learning curve.
NoSQL Flexibility with the Power of SQL
Normalized data is faster to write, faster to read, and easier to maintain. Harper lets you efficiently join tables with billions of records with nearly no performance trade-off and all the benefits of a traditional RDMS.
Solution Stacking
As performance lags, additional technologies like Redis are layered on top, adding complexity and cost.
Drivers are a Pain
Constant driver updates, saturated connections, and premature closes all make interacting with your data more complex than it needs to be.
The Prison of Denormalized at Scale
The simplicity of denormalized data presents challenges at scale. Size on disk becomes overwhelming, searching and updating nested attributes becomes expensive, and joins require costly application-level logic.